„Bundesland“: Neutrum BundeslandNeutrum | neuter n Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) federal state, Land of the Federal Republic [of Germany] Province federal state Land (of the Federal Republic [of Germany]), federal state Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in der Bundesrepublik Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in der Bundesrepublik Örnekler die alten Bundesländer the former states of the Federal Republic (of Germany) die alten Bundesländer die neuen Bundesländer the former East German states die neuen Bundesländer Province Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in Österreich Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in Österreich federal state Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in anderen Ländern Bundesland Politik | politicsPOL in anderen Ländern