„Curry“: Maskulinum | Neutrum Curry [ˈkari; ˈkœri]Maskulinum | masculine mauch | also a.Neutrum | neuter n <Currys; keinPlural | plural pl> Engl. Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) curry powder curry curry (powder) Curry Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Gewürz Curry Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Gewürz Örnekler mit Curry würzen to flavo(u)r (oder | orod season) with curry (powder), to curry mit Curry würzen curry Curry Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR ind. Gericht Curry Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR ind. Gericht