„Schweinsohr“: Neutrum SchweinsohrNeutrum | neuter n Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) pig’s ear palmier cantharellus pig’s ear Schweinsohr Schweinsohr palmier Schweinsohr Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Blätterteiggebäck Schweinsohr Kochkunst und Gastronomie | cooking and gastronomyGASTR Blätterteiggebäck cantharellus Schweinsohr Botanik | botanyBOT Speisepilz, Cantharellusoder | or od Neurophyllum clavatus Schweinsohr Botanik | botanyBOT Speisepilz, Cantharellusoder | or od Neurophyllum clavatus