„tagein“: Adverb tageinAdverb | adverb adv Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) day in... he does the same work day in... the same old story day after day... Örnekler nur in tagaus, tagein day in, day out day after day (after day) nur in tagaus, tagein er tut tagaus, tagein die gleiche Arbeit he does the same work day in, day out er tut tagaus, tagein die gleiche Arbeit tagaus, tagein dasselbe Lied umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg the same old story day after day tagaus, tagein dasselbe Lied umgangssprachlich | familiar, informalumg