İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "consistently"

"consistently" Almanca çeviri

adverb | Adverb adv

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • im Einklang (with mit)
    consistently correspondingly
    consistently correspondingly
  • durchweg, als Ganzes
    consistently without exception
    consistently without exception
Das scheint der Kern des Wortes in der Bedeutung zu sein, in der es am meisten verwendet wird.
That seems to be the core of the meaning of the word as it is most consistently used.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Seitdem sind die Inseln ohne Unterbrechung in japanischem Besitz.
Since then, the islands have consistently been held to be Japanese.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Wir haben ein Jahresprogramm, dessen Leistungsziele nicht konsequent eingehalten werden.
We have an annual programme which does not work consistently in terms of output targets.
Kaynak: Europarl
Das Europäische Parlament hat das konsequent seit 1993 getan.
The European Parliament has acted consistently since 1993.
Kaynak: Europarl
Das Problem besteht darin, dass das Prinzip nicht konsequent angewendet werden kann.
The problem is that the principle cannot be applied consistently.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Die dänische Präsidentschaft wird unbeirrt den gemeinsamen Interessen den Vorrang geben.
The Danish Presidency will consistently put the common interest at the forefront.
Kaynak: News-Commentary

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