İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "Europe"

"Europe" Almanca çeviri

[ˈjuərəp]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • Europaneuter | Neutrum n
even in Europe
even in Europe
Council of Europe
Council of Europe
Minister for Europe, Minister for European Affairs
Minister for Europe, Minister for European Affairs
the plague raged in Europe
die Pest wütete in Europa
the plague raged in Europe
Northern Europe
Northern Europe
a flood of terror rolled over Europe
eine Schreckenswelle zog über Europa dahin
a flood of terror rolled over Europe
the literary spoils of Europe
die literarischen Schätze Europas
the literary spoils of Europe
the states of Europe
die europ. Staatenor | oder od Mächte
the states of Europe
to travel over Europe
(kreuzand | und u. quer) durch Europa reisen
to travel over Europe
the playground of Europe
die Schweiz
the playground of Europe
the climbing trend is mirrored across Europe
in ganz Europa ist eine steigende Tendenz sichtbar
the climbing trend is mirrored across Europe
the peoples of Europe
die europ. Völker
the peoples of Europe
the price of gas American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS in Europe is something else
die Benzinpreise in Europa sind wirklich unglaublich
the price of gas American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS in Europe is something else
it is peculiar to Southern Europe
es kommt nur in Südeuropa vor
it is peculiar to Southern Europe
the great powers of Europe
die europ. Großmächte
the great powers of Europe

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