İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "jealousy"

"jealousy" Almanca çeviri

[ˈdʒeləsi]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • Eifersuchtfeminine | Femininum f (of aufaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)
  • jealousies
  • jealousy (of) envy
    Neidmasculine | Maskulinum m (aufaccusative (case) | Akkusativ akk)
    Missgunstfeminine | Femininum f (gegen)
    jealousy (of) envy
  • Argwohnmasculine | Maskulinum m
    jealousy suspicion dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
    Misstrauenneuter | Neutrum n
    jealousy suspicion dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
    jealousy suspicion dialect(al) | Dialekt, dialektaldial
  • Besorgnisfeminine | Femininum f
    jealousy concern obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
    jealousy concern obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
this is an unusual species of jealousy
das ist eine sonderbare Art von Eifersucht
this is an unusual species of jealousy
driven by the sting of jealousy
durch (die) Eifersucht angestachelt
driven by the sting of jealousy
professional jealousy
professional jealousy
Sie war grün vor Eifersucht.
She was green with jealousy.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Eifersucht in einer Beziehung kommt oft aus Mangel an Vertrauen zu Stande.
Jealousy in a relationship is often brought about by a lack of trust.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Da sie noch keinen Gegenstand für ihre Eifersucht hatte, so suchte sie nach einem solchen.
Not having as yet an object for her jealousy, she sought one.
Kaynak: Books
Neid ist ein Feind der Freundschaft.
Jealousy is an enemy to friendship.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Ljewins Eifersucht wuchs immer mehr.
Levin's jealousy rose still higher.
Kaynak: Books
Ich würde mich und dich nicht mit meiner Eifersucht quälen...
I should not be tortured, I would not torment you with my jealousy...
Kaynak: Books
Er ergab sich nie Eifersucht oder brütete über eingebildeten Kränkungen.
He never submitted to jealousy or brooded over perceived slights.
Kaynak: TED

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