İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "manuscript"

"manuscript" Almanca çeviri

[ˈmænjuskript; -jə-]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • Manuskriptneuter | Neutrum n
  • Handschriftfeminine | Femininum f
    manuscript old handwritten documentet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    manuscript old handwritten documentet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • Autorenmanuskriptneuter | Neutrum n
    manuscript author’s original script
    Urschriftfeminine | Femininum f
    manuscript author’s original script
    manuscript author’s original script
  • Satzvorlagefeminine | Femininum f
    manuscript BUCHDRUCK
    manuscript BUCHDRUCK
  • (Hand)Schriftfeminine | Femininum f
    manuscript handwriting
    manuscript handwriting
[ˈmænjuskript; -jə-]adjective | Adjektiv adj

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

vicious manuscript
fehlerhaftes Manuskript
vicious manuscript
he could not trace the original manuscript
he could not trace the original manuscript
interlined manuscript
interlined manuscript
the old manuscript speaks right, where it says
das alte Manuskript hat recht, wenn es sagt
the old manuscript speaks right, where it says
this passage reads differently in the manuscript
diese Stelle lautetor | oder od heißt im Manuskript anders
this passage reads differently in the manuscript
Es ist ein altes Manuskript.
It is an old manuscript.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Ich schreibe seit einem Jahr an diesem Manuskript.
I have been writing this manuscript for a year.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Man sollte prinzipiell von denselben Rechtsfolgen wie bei Unterschriften ausgehen.
In principle, we should give the same legal effect as we do to manuscript signatures.
Kaynak: Europarl
Wir sind dagegen, daß Handschriften nicht unter das Folgerecht fallen sollen.
We disagree also with the exclusion of manuscripts from the scope of the directive.
Kaynak: Europarl
Das Manuskript wurde handschriftlich verfasst.
The manuscript had been written out by hand.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Finian schrieb zu dieser Zeit an einem Manuskript.
Finian was writing a manuscript at the time.
Kaynak: Europarl
Alexei Alexandrowitsch verstummte und blätterte nachdenklich in seinem Manuskript.
Karenin was silent, thoughtfully turning over the leaves of his manuscript.
Kaynak: Books

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