İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "neighborhood"

"neighborhood" Almanca çeviri

, neighbourhoodnoun | Substantiv sespecially | besonders besonders British English | britisches EnglischBr

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • Nachbarschaftfeminine | Femininum f
    Umgebungfeminine | Femininum f
    Nähefeminine | Femininum f
  • in the neighborhood of
    in der Umgebung von
    in the neighborhood of
  • in the neighborhood of approximately familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
    ungefähr, etwa, um (… herum)
    in the neighborhood of approximately familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
  • Nachbarnplural | Plural pl
    neighborhood neighbours <collective noun | Kollektivum, Sammelwortkoll>
    Nachbarschaftfeminine | Femininum f
    neighborhood neighbours <collective noun | Kollektivum, Sammelwortkoll>
    neighborhood neighbours <collective noun | Kollektivum, Sammelwortkoll>
  • Gegendfeminine | Femininum f
    neighborhood district
    Bezirkmasculine | Maskulinum m
    neighborhood district
    neighborhood district
  • nachbarliche Beziehungenplural | Plural pl
    neighborhood neighbourly relations
    (gute) Nachbarschaft
    neighborhood neighbourly relations
    neighborhood neighbourly relations
Doch selbst ein geschwächtes Russland ist in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft eine Großmacht.
But even a weakened Russia will still be a strong power in its immediate neighborhood.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Wie gefühllos werden ihre Mitglieder gegenüber den Menschen in ihrer Nachbarschaft werden?
How unfeeling will they come to be about the people who share their neighborhoods?
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Ein Blick über die Nachbarschaft Colonia Alta Vista in Ciudad Juarez.
A view of the Colonia Alta Vista neighborhood in Ciudad Juarez.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
Unsere Nachbarschaftspolitik braucht Unterstützung, keine Kritik.
Our neighborhood policy needs support, not criticism.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Auch die Nachbarschaft des Iran lässt zu wünschen übrig.
Iran does not live in a great neighborhood, either.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
La Patrona ist eine Nachbarschaft in Acatlán de los Reyes, Veracruz (Mexiko).
La Patrona is a neighborhood in Acatlán de los Reyes, Veracruz, México.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
Wir waren sehr glücklich, als sie die Nachbarschaft bemalt haben.
We felt very happy when they painted the neighborhood.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
Falls es auf der Welt eine kompliziertere Nachbarschaft gibt, sie wäre schwer zu finden.
If there is a more complicated neighborhood in the world, it would be difficult to find it.
Kaynak: News-Commentary

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