„trotter“: noun trotter [ˈtr(ɒ)tə(r)]noun | Substantiv s Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) Fuß, Bein Traber, Trotter Füße, Haxen Fußmasculine | Maskulinum m trotter of animal for slaughter Beinneuter | Neutrum n trotter of animal for slaughter trotter of animal for slaughter Örnekler pig’s trotters Schweinsfüße pig’s trotters sheep’s trotters Schafsfüße sheep’s trotters Trabermasculine | Maskulinum m trotter horse Trottermasculine | Maskulinum m trotter horse trotter horse Füßeplural | Plural pl trotter person’s feet humorously | humorvoll, scherzhafthum <plural | Pluralpl> Haxenplural | Plural pl trotter person’s feet humorously | humorvoll, scherzhafthum <plural | Pluralpl> trotter person’s feet humorously | humorvoll, scherzhafthum <plural | Pluralpl>