İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "Christ"

"Christ" Almanca çeviri

[kraist]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • (Jesus) Christusmasculine | Maskulinum m
    Christ bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
    Christ bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
the law of Christ
die Gebote Christi
the law of Christ
rejoice, Christ is arisen
freut euch, Christus ist auferstanden
rejoice, Christ is arisen
the Precious Blood of Christ
das Kostbare Blut Christi
the Precious Blood of Christ
Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Mariä Reinigung (2. Februar)
Presentation of Christ in the Temple
the satisfactory death of Jesus Christ
der Sühnetod Jesu Christi
the satisfactory death of Jesus Christ
vicarious sufferings of Christ
die stellvertretenden Leiden Christi
vicarious sufferings of Christ
the sufferings of Christ
das Leiden Christi
the sufferings of Christ
soldier of Christ
Soldat Christi
soldier of Christ
Vicar of (Jesus) Christ
Statthaltermasculine | Maskulinum m Christi (auf Erden)
Vicar of (Jesus) Christ
the body of Christ
der Leib des Herrn
the body of Christ
a servant of Jesus Christ
ein Diener Christi
a servant of Jesus Christ
the incarnation of God in Christ
die Menschwerdung Gottes in Christus
the incarnation of God in Christ
the Second Coming of Christ
die Wiederkunft Christi (als Weltenrichter)
the Second Coming of Christ
member of Christ
member of Christ
the lore of Christ
die Lehre Christi
the lore of Christ

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