İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "bullet"

"bullet" Almanca çeviri

[ˈbulit]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • (Gewehr-, Pistolen)Kugelfeminine | Femininum f
    bullet for gun
    bullet for gun
  • kleine Kugel
    bullet rare | seltenselten (small ball)
    bullet rare | seltenselten (small ball)
  • Senkbleineuter | Neutrum n
    bullet on fishing line
    bullet on fishing line
a bullet pierced his heart
eine Kugel durchbohrte sein Herz
a bullet pierced his heart
the bullet went clean through the door
die Kugel durchschlug glatt die Tür
the bullet went clean through the door
the bullet lodged in his shoulder
die Kugel stakor | oder od steckte in seiner Schulter
the bullet lodged in his shoulder
wandering bullet
Ausreißer (streuendes Geschoss)
wandering bullet
every bullet has its billet
jede Kugel hat ihre Bestimmung
every bullet has its billet
the bullet just missed him
die Kugel ging ganz knapp an ihm vorbei
the bullet just missed him
a bullet whistled past
a bullet whistled past
to stop a bullet
erschossen werden
to stop a bullet
a bullet pinged into the water
eine Kugel zischte ins Wasser
a bullet pinged into the water
to lodge a bullet in sb’s arm
jemandem eine Kugel in den Arm jagen
to lodge a bullet in sb’s arm
to turn a bullet
eine Kugel abwendenor | oder od abhalten
to turn a bullet
the bullet went through his leg
die Kugel ging durch sein Bein
the bullet went through his leg
he was hit by a bullet
er wurde von einer Kugel getroffen
he was hit by a bullet
stray bullet
verirrte Kugel, Ausreißer
stray bullet
Die wichtigste Lehre ist allerdings, dass es keine schnellen Lösungen oder Wundermittel gibt.
But the most important lesson is that there are no quick fixes or magic bullets.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Aber kann solch ein Ansatz wirklich eine Wunderwaffe gegen die griechische Krise sein?
But could such an approach really be the proverbial silver bullet for Greece s crisis ’?
Kaynak: News-Commentary
Mohamed Bin Tijani El-Hanchi hat eine Kugel in seinem Körper.
Mohamed Bin Tijani El-Hanchi has a bullet inside his body.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
British Airways blieb in Nordirland und hielt trotz Bomben und Kugeln zu seinem Personal.
British Airways stayed in Northern Ireland and stood by its staff through bombs and bullets.
Kaynak: Europarl
Mir scheint, manche meinen, Terrorismus stehe nur für Bomben, Gewehre und Kugeln.
It seems to me that there is a view that terrorism only consists of bombs, guns and bullets.
Kaynak: Europarl
Demonstranten, die während des Streiks durch Gummigeschosse verletzt worden sind, Barcelona.
Protesters wounded by rubber bullets during the general strike, Barcelona.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
Es gibt kein Wundermittel für die heutige Krise.
There is no magic bullet for today s crisis ’.
Kaynak: News-Commentary

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