İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "laughter"

"laughter" Almanca çeviri

British English | britisches EnglischBr [ˈlɑːftə(r)] American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS [ˈlæ(ː)f-]noun | Substantiv s

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • Lachenneuter | Neutrum n
    Gelächterneuter | Neutrum n
  • Lachenneuter | Neutrum n
    laughter manner of laughing, cheerful expression
    lachenderor | oder od heiterer Gesichtsausdruck
    laughter manner of laughing, cheerful expression
    laughter manner of laughing, cheerful expression
  • Gegenstandmasculine | Maskulinum m des Gelächters
    laughter subject for laughter poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
    laughter subject for laughter poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
a gale of laughter
eine Lachsalve
a gale of laughter
a boohoo of laughter
brüllendes Gelächter
a boohoo of laughter
irrepressible laughter
nicht zu unterdrückendes Lachen
irrepressible laughter
to double up with laughter
sich vor Lachen biegenor | oder od krümmen
to double up with laughter
there were hoots of laughter
es gab johlendes Gelächter
there were hoots of laughter
to die of (or | oderod with) laughter
to die of (or | oderod with) laughter
jeering laughter
peals of laughter
schallendes Gelächter
peals of laughter
to roar with laughter
to roar with laughter
burst of laughter
burst of laughter
to be convulsed with laughter
sich krümmen vor Lachen
to be convulsed with laughter
scornful laughter
spöttisches Gelächter
scornful laughter
there was much laughter at his expense
er wurde tüchtig ausgelacht
there was much laughter at his expense
ripple of laughter
leises Lachen
ripple of laughter
to fall about laughingor | oder od with laughter
sich (vor Lachen) kugeln
to fall about laughingor | oder od with laughter
to choke with laughter
to choke with laughter
to explode with laughter
to explode with laughter
convulsions of laughter
convulsions of laughter
he could hardly contain his laughter
he could hardly contain his laughter
to break into laughter
to break into laughter
Ja, es wird viel gelacht. Ja, genau!.
Yes, lot s ’ of laughter. Yeah, exactly.
Kaynak: TED
Ich habe mich vor Lachen gekrümmt.
I doubled over with laughter.
Kaynak: Tatoeba
Sein Lachen und Schreien verstummte keinen Augenblick.
His laughter and shouts never ceased.
Kaynak: Books
(Beifall und Heiterkeit) Es folgt die Abstimmung über den Bericht Macartney.
(Laughter and applause) We shall now proceed to the vote on Mr Macartney's report.
Kaynak: Europarl
Im Halbschlaf hörte er das Gelächter und muntere Geplauder Weslowskis und Stepan Arkadjewitschs.
Through his sleep he heard laughter and Veslovsky's and Oblonsky's merry talk.
Kaynak: Books
Ich krümmte mich vor Lachen.
I doubled over with laughter.
Kaynak: Tatoeba

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