„literally“: adverb literallyadverb | Adverb adv Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) wortwörtlich, Wort für Wort wörtlich, in wörtlicher Bedeutung buchstäblich (wort)wörtlich, Wort für Wort literally literally wörtlich, in wörtlicher Bedeutung literally in the literal sense literally in the literal sense Örnekler you mustn’t take him literally du darfst ihn nicht wörtlich nehmen you mustn’t take him literally buchstäblich literally used as an intensifier literally used as an intensifier Örnekler he literally hit the roof er ging buchstäblich an die Decke he literally hit the roof it was literally impossible es war wirklich unmöglich it was literally impossible