İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "did"

"did" Almanca çeviri

[did] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprät>

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • did → bkz „do
    did → bkz „do
how did he acquit himself?
wie hat er seine Sache gemacht?
how did he acquit himself?
did you remark that
haben Sie bemerktor | oder od gemerkt, wieor | oder od dass
did you remark that
he did not fire a single round
er gab keinen einzigen Schuss ab
he did not fire a single round
he did passably well
er hat leidlich (gut) abgeschnitten
he did passably well
but then you did promise
he did his utmost
er tat sein Möglichstesor | oder od Äußerstes
he did his utmost
whom did you see?
wen sahst du?
whom did you see?
they did him proud
sie erwiesen ihm große Ehre
they did him proud
I did it myself
ich selbst habe es getan
I did it myself
what did he do?
was hat er getan?
what did he do?
how did life begin?
wie ist das Leben entstanden?
how did life begin?
how did it strike you?
was hielt(e)st du davon?
how did it strike you?
where did they get spliced?
wo haben sie geheiratet?
where did they get spliced?
how did you make out?
wie haben Sie abgeschnitten?
how did you make out?
he did well to come
he did well to come
how did that come about?
wie ist das passiert?
how did that come about?
did you ever!
hat man jemals sosomething | etwas etwas erlebt!
did you ever!
did you agree? - hardly!
hast du zugestimmt? wohl kaum!
did you agree? - hardly!
how did they get in?
wie sind sie hineingekommen?
how did they get in?
did not
tat nicht
did not
Wie oft habe ich dir gesagt, wenn du über die Marmelade gingest, würde ich dich bläuen.
Forty times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you.
Kaynak: Books
Meine Fraktion sah keinen Grund, weitere Änderungsanträge einzubringen.
My Group did not have any reason to table any more amendments.
Kaynak: Europarl
Leider habe ich keine Antwort auf diese Frage bekommen.
Unfortunately, I did not receive any answer to this question.
Kaynak: Europarl
Aus dem Ausdruck ihres Blickes schloß er, daß sie dieselben Gedanken habe wie er.
From the expression in them he concluded that she understood them as he did; but this was not so.
Kaynak: Books
Er begriff nicht, daß gerade sein Mitleid mit ihr sie reizte.
He did not understand that his pity exasperated her.
Kaynak: Books

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