„week“: noun week [wiːk]noun | Substantiv s Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) Woche Wochefeminine | Femininum f week week week → bkz „feast“ week → bkz „feast“ Örnekler what day of the week is it? was für ein Wochentag ist heute? what day of the week is it? in two weeks’ time in zwei Wochen in two weeks’ time a week tomorrow morgen in einer Woche a week tomorrow week of Sundays, week of weeks sieben Wochen lange, eine Ewigkeit week of Sundays, week of weeks a week or two ein paar Wochen a week or two week and week about eine Woche über die andere week and week about a week, per week wöchentlich a week, per week week by week Woche für Woche week by week by the week wochenweise by the week for weeks wochenlang for weeks week in, week out Woche für Woche week in, week out today week, this day week heute in 8 Tagen heute vor 8 Tagen today week, this day week Monday week Montag in 8 Tagen Montag vor 8 Tagen Monday week twice a week zweimal wöchentlich twice a week a 2-week holiday ein zweiwöchiger Urlaub a 2-week holiday to knocksomebody | jemand sb into the middle of next week familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg jemandem eins versetzen, dass ihm Hörenand | und u. Sehen vergeht to knocksomebody | jemand sb into the middle of next week familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg to knocksomebody | jemand sb into the middle of next week jemanden völlig fertigmachen to knocksomebody | jemand sb into the middle of next week Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster