[helθ]noun | Substantiv sTüm çevirilere genel bakış
(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)
- Gesundheitfeminine | Femininum fhealthhealth
- Ministry of Health
- health and safety regulationsGesundheits-and | und u. Sicherheitsvorschriften
- Gesundheitszustandmasculine | Maskulinum mhealth physical and mental conditionhealth physical and mental condition
- in the best of healthbei bester Gesundheit
- to be in good healthgesund bei guter Gesundheit sein
- Gesundheitfeminine | Femininum fhealth in toasts: wellbeingWohlneuter | Neutrum nhealth in toasts: wellbeinghealth in toasts: wellbeing
- Heilkraftfeminine | Femininum fhealth healing powerhealth healing power