Almanca-İngilizce sözlük "Horror"

"Horror" İngilizce çeviri

[ˈhɔrɔr]Maskulinum | masculine m <Horrors; keinPlural | plural pl>

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • horror
Horror is never far away.
Der Horror ist niemals weit entfernt.
Kaynak: Europarl
But, what were the events that preceded this horror?
Aber was waren die Ereignisse, die dem Horror vorausgingen?
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
All of this to say, that despite the horror, and despite the death, women are never really counted.
Dies alles, um zu sagen, dass trotz des Horrors und trotz der Tode Frauen niemals wirklich zählten.
Kaynak: TED
Srebrenica stands as a symbol of horror and inconsolable grief.
Srebrenica steht als Symbol für Horror und untröstliche Trauer.
Kaynak: Europarl
Shock, horror: now, the readers want to be writers and publishers.
Schock, Horror: Heute wollen die Leser Autoren und Verleger sein.
Kaynak: TED
Ukrainians recoil, in anger and horror, at the very idea of dividing the nation.
Die Ukrainer weisen den bloßen Gedanken einer Spaltung der Nation in Zorn und Horror von sich.
Kaynak: News-Commentary
The ruins are preserved to keep the memory of the horror of hate alive.
Die Ruinen blieben erhalten, um die Erinnerungen an den Horror des Hasses am Leben zu halten.
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
We all know where it leads: to the abyss and to horror.
Wir wissen alle, wohin das führt: in das Verderben und den Horror.
Kaynak: Europarl

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