İngilizce-Almanca sözlük "itself"

"itself" Almanca çeviri

[itˈself] ref pr

Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

  • sich (selbst)
to empty itself into the sea
to empty itself into the sea
the House resolved itself into a committee
das Haus konstituierte sich als Ausschuss
the House resolved itself into a committee
the river disembogues itself (or | oderod its waters) into the sea
der Fluss ergießt sich ins Meer
the river disembogues itself (or | oderod its waters) into the sea
to be simplicity itself
die einfachste Sache der Welt sein
to be simplicity itself
it defines itself against the background
es hebt sich scharfor | oder od deutlich vom Hintergrund ab
it defines itself against the background
the path loses itself in the rocks
der Pfad verliert sich in den Felsen
the path loses itself in the rocks
the path loses itself in the rocks
the path loses itself in the rocks
history does not repeat itself
die Geschichte wiederholt sich nicht
history does not repeat itself
the soil lends itself to cultivation
der Boden eignet sich zur Bestellung
the soil lends itself to cultivation
it resolves itself into its elements
es löst sich in seine Bestandteile auf
it resolves itself into its elements
the House goes into Committee (or | oderod resolves itself into a Committee)
das (Abgeordneten)Haus konstituiert sich als Ausschuss
the House goes into Committee (or | oderod resolves itself into a Committee)
that speaks for itself
das spricht für sich selbst
that speaks for itself
her influence made itself felt
ihr Einfluss machte sich bemerkbar
her influence made itself felt
the river discharges itself into a lake
der Fluss ergießt sichor | oder od mündet in einen See
the river discharges itself into a lake
to manifest itself
sich zeigen, sich offenbaren
to manifest itself
it has rained itself out
es hat sich ausgeregnet
it has rained itself out
to propagate itself, to be propagated
sich fortpflanzen, sich vermehren
to propagate itself, to be propagated
in itself
an sich
in itself
to empty itself into the sea
entleeren, berauben (ofgenitive (case) | Genitiv gen)
to empty itself into the sea
no opportunity offered itself
es bot sich keine Gelegenheit (dar)
no opportunity offered itself

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