noun | Substantiv s <houses [ˈhauziz]>Tüm çevirilere genel bakış
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- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse building in which people live or designed for specific purpose: also people living in househouse building in which people live or designed for specific purpose: also people living in house
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- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse dwelling: also of animalHeimneuter | Neutrum nhouse dwelling: also of animalWohnungfeminine | Femininum fhouse dwelling: also of animalhouse dwelling: also of animal
- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse running of houseHaushaltmasculine | Maskulinum mhouse running of houseHaushaltungfeminine | Femininum fhouse running of househouse running of house
- to keep house live togetherzusammenleben (with mit)
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- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse family, dynastyGeschlechtneuter | Neutrum nhouse family, dynastyFamiliefeminine | Femininum fhouse family, dynastyDynastiefeminine | Femininum fhouse family, dynastyhouse family, dynasty
- (Handels)Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH companyFirmafeminine | Femininum fhouse commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH companyhouse commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH company
- the Houses of Parliamentdie Parlamentsgebäude (in London)
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- Ratsversammlungfeminine | Femininum fhouse councilRatmasculine | Maskulinum mhouse councilhouse council
- the House of Bishops Anglican Churchdas Haus der Bischöfe
- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse theatre, theater | TheaterTHEAT audiencehouse theatre, theater | TheaterTHEAT audience
- a full (small) houseein volles (schlecht besetztes) Haus
- to bring down the house familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumgLachstürme entfesseln
- Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse school | SchulwesenSCHULEhouse school | SchulwesenSCHULE
- Wohnheimneuter | Neutrum nhouse student hall at English college school | SchulwesenSCHULEhouse student hall at English college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
- Collegeneuter | Neutrum nhouse college school | SchulwesenSCHULEhouse college school | SchulwesenSCHULE
- Schlafsaalmasculine | Maskulinum mhouse college dormitory school | SchulwesenSCHULEhouse college dormitory school | SchulwesenSCHULE
- die im College wohnenden Studentenhouse koll (students living in college) school | SchulwesenSCHULEhouse koll (students living in college) school | SchulwesenSCHULE
- Internatneuter | Neutrum nhouse school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding school(Wohn-, Pensions)Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding schoolhouse school | SchulwesenSCHULE boarding school
- Ordenmasculine | Maskulinum mhouse religion | ReligionREL of religious orderOrdenshausneuter | Neutrum nhouse religion | ReligionREL of religious orderOrdensgemeinschaftfeminine | Femininum fhouse religion | ReligionREL of religious orderhouse religion | ReligionREL of religious order
- the House → bkz „House of Commons,“ „House of Lords,“ „House of Representatives“the House → bkz „House of Commons,“ „House of Lords,“ „House of Representatives“
- Wirtshausneuter | Neutrum nhouse pub, inn familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumghouse pub, inn familiar, informal | umgangssprachlichumg
- on the houseauf Kosten des Gastwirts
- (Himmels)Hausneuter | Neutrum nhouse astronomy | AstronomieASTRON division of skyhouse astronomy | AstronomieASTRON division of sky
- Tierkreiszeichenhouse astronomy | AstronomieASTRON astrological symbol given to planethouse astronomy | AstronomieASTRON astrological symbol given to planet
- Lottospielneuter | Neutrum nhouse kenohouse keno
- Feldneuter | Neutrum nhouse of chessboard obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobshouse of chessboard obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs
transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tTüm çevirilere genel bakış
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- (in einem Haus einer Wohnung) unterbringenhouse accommodate in house or flathouse accommodate in house or flat
- aufnehmenhouse take in into househouse take in into house
- unter Dachand | und u. Fach bringen, unterbringen, verwahrenhouse bring safely under cover, keep safehouse bring safely under cover, keep safe
- bedecken, beschützen, umhüllenhouse cover, protecthouse cover, protect
- bergenhouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF rescuehouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF rescue
- streichenhouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF strike top-gallant masthouse nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF strike top-gallant mast
- house nautical | Nautik/SchifffahrtSCHIFF secure
- beherbergenhouse provide shelter forhouse provide shelter for
- verzapfen, einzapfenhouse in carpentry: morticehouse in carpentry: mortice
intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iTüm çevirilere genel bakış
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