[θɔːt]noun | Substantiv sTüm çevirilere genel bakış
(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)
- Gedankenplural | Plural plthought whatsomebody | jemand sb is thinkingGedankemasculine | Maskulinum mthought whatsomebody | jemand sb is thinkingDenkenneuter | Neutrum nthought whatsomebody | jemand sb is thinkingthought whatsomebody | jemand sb is thinking
- thought → bkz „penny“thought → bkz „penny“
- Ideefeminine | Femininum fthought ideathought idea
- Gedankemasculine | Maskulinum mthoughtthought
- Gedankengangmasculine | Maskulinum mthoughtthought
- Gedankemasculine | Maskulinum mthought concernDenkenneuter | Neutrum nthought concernTrachtenneuter | Neutrum nthought concernthought concern
- Denkenneuter | Neutrum nthought thinking facultythought thinking faculty
- Sinnenneuter | Neutrum nthought reflecting(Nach)Denkenneuter | Neutrum nthought reflectingthought reflecting
- Vorstellungsvermögenneuter | Neutrum nthought power of imagination poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoetthought power of imagination poetic, poetically | poetisch, dichterischpoet
- Überlegungfeminine | Femininum fthought considerationErwägungfeminine | Femininum fthought considerationthought consideration
- Aufmerksamkeitfeminine | Femininum fthought attentivenessthought attentiveness
- she takes no thought for her safetysie achtet nicht auf ihre Sicherheit
- Gedankemasculine | Maskulinum mthought opinion <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>Meinungfeminine | Femininum fthought opinion <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>Ansichtfeminine | Femininum fthought opinion <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>thought opinion <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>
- Denkenneuter | Neutrum nthought intellectual activitythought intellectual activity
- Denkweisefeminine | Femininum fthoughtthought
- Gedankenweltfeminine | Femininum fthoughtthought
- scientific thought(die) wissenschaftliche Denkweise
- Greek thoughtdas griechische Denken
- Ideefeminine | Femininum fthought small amount figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem SinnfigSpurfeminine | Femininum fthought small amount figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfigthought small amount figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
- thought syn vgl. → bkz „idea“thought syn vgl. → bkz „idea“