Almanca-İngilizce sözlük "kam"

"kam" İngilizce çeviri


Tüm çevirilere genel bakış

(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)

er kam nicht
er kam nicht
mir kam der Gedanke
the idea occurred to me, the thought entered my head (oder | orod mind)
mir kam der Gedanke
er kam ebenfalls
he came too (oder | orod also, as well)
he also came
er kam ebenfalls
er kam ohne Anhang
he came alone
er kam ohne Anhang
er allein kam
he alone came, only he came
er allein kam
er kam hinter mir
he came after me
er kam hinter mir
no one came to the door
he came unannounced, he came without notice, he came without telling me (oder | orod us) beforehand
er kam unangemeldet
er kam zuerst an
he arrived first, he was (the) first to arrive
er kam zuerst an
lang(e) bevor er kam
lang(e) bevor er kam
das kam mir seltsam vor
it seemed strange to me, it struck me as being strange
das kam mir seltsam vor
als er zu sterben kam
when he came to die
als er zu sterben kam
er kam in Damenbegleitung
he came in the company of a lady, he was accompanied by a lady
er kam in Damenbegleitung
es kam zur Schlacht
it came to a battle, a battle was fought
es kam zur Schlacht
er kam herauf
he came up(stairs)
er kam herauf
er kam dahergerannt
he came running along (oder | orod up)
er kam dahergerannt
es kam zur Verhandlung
it came up for hearing (oder | orod trial)
es kam zur Verhandlung
es kam zu Handgreiflichkeiten
it ended in a fight
es kam zu Handgreiflichkeiten
er kam nicht zum Schuss
he didn’t get a shot in, he didn’t get a chance to shoot
er kam nicht zum Schuss
Online reactions came almost immediately, starting on Twitter.
Im Internet kam es daraufhin fast unmittelbar zu Reaktionen, zuerst auf Twitter. Starkes Nachbeben!
Kaynak: GlobalVoices
Could we find out why this has happened?
Könnten Sie bitte prüfen lassen, wie es dazu kam?
Kaynak: Europarl
This was the reason why the temporal powers of the pope were little esteemed in Italy.
Daher kam es, daß die weltliche Macht des Papstes in Italien so wenig geachtet ward.
Kaynak: Books
Mrs. Grubach appeared quite powerless.
Frau Grubach kam sich recht machtlos vor.
Kaynak: Books
I was even more moved when I went into a tent where the women and children were.
Noch mehr berührt war ich, als ich in ein Zelt kam, in dem sich Frauen und Kinder befanden.
Kaynak: Europarl

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*Zorunlu alan

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