[stail]noun | Substantiv sTüm çevirilere genel bakış
(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)
- Stilmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle typeArtfeminine | Femininum fstyle typeTypmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle typestyle type
- Stilmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle manner: of doingsomething | etwas sthManierfeminine | Femininum fstyle manner: of doingsomething | etwas sthstyle manner: of doingsomething | etwas sth
- (guter) Stil (als Wertmaßstab)style good style: as measure of valuestyle good style: as measure of value
- Lebensstilmasculine | Maskulinum m, -artfeminine | Femininum fstyle lifestylestyle lifestyle
- Vornehmheitfeminine | Femininum fstyle elegancegutes Aussehenstyle elegancestyle elegance
- Modefeminine | Femininum fstyle fashion | ModeMODEStilmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle fashion | ModeMODEstyle fashion | ModeMODE
- (Mach)Artfeminine | Femininum fstyle of hat, dresset cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcAusführungfeminine | Femininum fstyle of hat, dresset cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etcstyle of hat, dresset cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- (literarischer) Stilstyle literary stylestyle literary style
- Ausdruckskraftfeminine | Femininum fstyle expressivenessstyle expressiveness
- Ausdrucksweisefeminine | Femininum fstyle means of expressionstyle means of expression
- commercial style
- florid styleblumiger Stil
- lofty styleerhabener Stil
Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster
- under the style of title, nameTitelmasculine | Maskulinum mAnredefeminine | Femininum fNamemasculine | Maskulinum mBezeichnungfeminine | Femininum f
- under the style of commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH legal term, law | RechtswesenJUR company nameFirmafeminine | Femininum fFirmennamemasculine | Maskulinum m(Firmen)Bezeichnungfeminine | Femininum f
Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster
- griffelartiges Instrument, Stiftmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle instrument resembling stylusstyle instrument resembling stylus
- Federfeminine | Femininum f (eines Dichters)style quillstyle quill
- (Grab)Stichelmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle engraving needleRadiernadelfeminine | Femininum fstyle engraving needlestyle engraving needle
- Grammofonnadelfeminine | Femininum fstyle rare | seltenselten (gramophone stylus)style rare | seltenselten (gramophone stylus)
- Sondefeminine | Femininum fstyle medicine | MedizinMED probeSenknadelfeminine | Femininum fstyle medicine | MedizinMED probestyle medicine | MedizinMED probe
- Zeitrechnungfeminine | Femininum fstyle reckoning, calendarStilmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle reckoning, calendarstyle reckoning, calendar
- (Schrift)Stilmasculine | Maskulinum mand | und u. Orthografiefeminine | Femininum fstyle BUCHDRUCK of font and orthographystyle BUCHDRUCK of font and orthography
- Druckmethodefeminine | Femininum fstyle method of cotton printingGenreneuter | Neutrum nstyle method of cotton printingstyle method of cotton printing
- Griffelmasculine | Maskulinum mstyle botany | BotanikBOT bearing stigmastyle botany | BotanikBOT bearing stigma
[stail]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/tTüm çevirilere genel bakış
(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)
- betiteln, anreden, benennen, bezeichnenstyle address, namestyle address, name
- nach der (neuesten) Mode entwerfen gestalten zuschneidenstyle make, shape or cut according to latest fashionstyle make, shape or cut according to latest fashion
- dem Käufer schmackhaft machen, Reklame machen fürstyle commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH advertize American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS slang | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargonslstyle commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH advertize American English | amerikanisches EnglischUS slang | Slang, saloppe Umgangssprache, Jargonsl
- gestaltenstyle informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieITstyle informatics, computer science | Informatik, Computer und InformationstechnologieIT
[stail]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iTüm çevirilere genel bakış
(Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun)