„beetle“: noun beetle [ˈbiːtl]noun | Substantiv s Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) Käfer Käfer, käferähnliches Insekt Käfermasculine | Maskulinum m beetle zoology | ZoologieZOOL Ordnung Coleoptera beetle zoology | ZoologieZOOL Ordnung Coleoptera Käfermasculine | Maskulinum m beetle zoology | ZoologieZOOL beetlelike insect käferähnliches Insekt (z. B. Schabe) beetle zoology | ZoologieZOOL beetlelike insect beetle zoology | ZoologieZOOL beetlelike insect Örnekler as blind as a beetle stockblind as blind as a beetle
„as“ as, As [as]Neutrum | neuter n <As; As> Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) A flat A flat as Musik | musical termMUS as Musik | musical termMUS Örnekler as, as-Moll A flat minor as, as-Moll As, As-Dur A flat major As, As-Dur
„As“: Neutrum As [as]Neutrum | neuter n <Asses; Asse> AR Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) As AR → bkz „Ass“ As AR → bkz „Ass“
„as“: adverb as [æz; əz]adverb | Adverb adv Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) so, ebenso, gerade so wie zum Beispiel so, ebenso, gerade so as as Örnekler as good as gold so gut wie Gold as good as gold I ran as fast as I could ich lief so schnell ich konnte I ran as fast as I could wie (zum Beispiel) as such as as such as Örnekler a beast of prey, as the lion or tiger ein Raubtier wie Löwe oder Tiger a beast of prey, as the lion or tiger „as“: conjunction as [æz; əz]conjunction | Konjunktion konj Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) gerade wie ebenso wie, genau so wie, auf dieselbe Weise wie so wie als, während, indem obwohl, obgleich, wenn auch da, weil, insofern als dass Başka örnek... (gerade) wie as as Örnekler as often as they wish sooften | oft oft (wie) sie wünschen as often as they wish as you wish wie Sie wünschen as you wish as is the case wie es der Fall ist as is the case as it is (so) wie die Dinge liegen as it is as a rule in der Regel as a rule soft as butter butterweich soft as butter quiet as a mouse mäuschenstill quiet as a mouse as requested wunschgemäß as requested I did not so much as hear them ich hörte sie überhaupt nicht I did not so much as hear them as compared with im Vergleich zu, gegenüber (dative (case) | Dativdat) as compared with Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster ebenso wie, genau so wie, auf dieselbe Weise wie as just as, in the same way as as just as, in the same way as Örnekler you will reap as you sow wie man sät, so erntet man you will reap as you sow I begin as I mean to end ich fange so an, wie ich aufzuhören gedenke I begin as I mean to end (so) wie as like as like Örnekler as I said before wie ich vorher sagte as I said before as was their habit wie es ihre Gewohnheit war, ihrer Gewohnheit entsprechendor | oder od gemäß as was their habit als, während, indem as while as while Örnekler it struck me as I was speaking als ich sprach, fiel mir ein it struck me as I was speaking as he was writing als er schrieb, beim Schreiben as he was writing obwohl, obgleich, wenn auch as although as although Örnekler late as he was, he attended the session er hatte sich zwar verspätet, nahm aber doch an der Sitzung teil late as he was, he attended the session old as I am wenn ich auch alt bin old as I am try as he would so viel er auch versuchte try as he would bad as it was so schlecht es (auch) war bad as it was Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster da, weil, insofern als as since, because as since, because Örnekler as you are not ready we must go alone da du nicht fertig bist, müssen wir allein gehen as you are not ready we must go alone (alsor | oder od so) dass as that, so that as that, so that Örnekler so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt so offensichtlich schuldig, dass kein Zweifel bleibt so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt be so kind as to send me the goods seien Sie so freundlich, mir die Waren zu schicken seien Sie so freundlich und schicken Sie mir die Waren be so kind as to send me the goods write it so as not to hurt him fassen Sie es so ab, dass Sie ihn nicht verletzen write it so as not to hurt him Örnekler as good as so gut wie, praktisch as good as as long as for the length of time that solange as long as for the length of time that as long as insofar as wenn, insofern, insoweit as long as insofar as he is taxed as to his earnings er wird nach seinem Verdienst besteuert he is taxed as to his earnings this is as much as to say he is a fool das heißt, er ist ein Narr this is as much as to say he is a fool as to this question was diese Frage betrifft as to this question as… as Besondere Redewendungen (eben)so … wie as… as Besondere Redewendungen as high as the Eiffel Tower (eben)so hoch wie der Eiffelturm as high as the Eiffel Tower as to as far as ... is concerned was … (an)betrifft, im Hinblick auf (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk) as to as far as ... is concerned as regards, as respects was … (an)betrifftor | oder od angeht, bezüglich (genitive (case) | Genitivgen) betreffend, im Hinblick auf (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk) hinsichtlich (genitive (case) | Genitivgen) as regards, as respects as regards our children was unsere Kinder betrifft, hinsichtlich unserer Kinder as regards our children as for me and my family, we are well was mich und meine Familie betrifft, wir sind wohlauf as for me and my family, we are well as to in relation to nach, gemäß, im Verhältnis zu as to in relation to as (or | oderod so) soon as so bald als, sobald, unmittelbar nachdem, gleich als as (or | oderod so) soon as I haven’t seen him as yet bis jetzt habe ich ihn nicht gesehen I haven’t seen him as yet their names are as follows ihre Namen lauten wie folgt their names are as follows as follow(s) wie folgt, folgendermaßen as follow(s) as long as you are going I’ll go, too wenn du gehst, werde ich auch gehen as long as you are going I’ll go, too I might as well speak at once ich könnte ebenso gut gleich sprechen I might as well speak at once as far as I know so viel ich weiß as far as I know as much gerade das, eben das, (eben)so as much I thought as much (eben) das dachte ich mir I thought as much as far as can be ascertained soweit sicher festgestellt werden kann as far as can be ascertained as far as soweit (wie), soviel as far as shall I bring the paper as well? soll ich auch die Zeitung bringen? shall I bring the paper as well? photography as such die Fotografie als solche photography as such as well noch dazu, außerdem, auch, ferner, ebenfalls besser, lieber, ebenso gut as well as well as (eben)so gut wie, sowohl … als auch as well as good as well as beautiful sowohl gut als auch schön good as well as beautiful as much as to say so viel wie, mit anderen Worten as much as to say the car was sold as is der Wagen wurde, so wie er war, verkauft the car was sold as is as usual wie gewöhnlichor | oder od üblich, in gewohnter Weise as usual as is commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH im gegenwärtigen Zustand, in der augenblicklichen Form as is commercial term, commerce | Wirtschaft/VolkswirtschaftWIRTSCH he was, as it were, compromised er war gewissermaßen kompromittiert he was, as it were, compromised my knife is as good as lost mein Messer ist so gut wie verloren my knife is as good as lost as such an sich, als solch(er, e, es) as such as yet bis jetzt, bisher as yet he ran as if (or | oderod as though) pursued by enemies er lief als wäre er von Feinden verfolgt he ran as if (or | oderod as though) pursued by enemies as if, as though als ob, als wenn, wie wenn as if, as though as soon as possible so bald wieor | oder od als möglich as soon as possible as soon as he comes sobald er kommt as soon as he comes as long as he stays here solange er hierbleibt as long as he stays here as it were sozusagen, gewissermaßen, gleichsam as it were as you were! military term | Militär, militärischMIL Kommando zurück! as you were! military term | Militär, militärischMIL as for was … anbetrifft as for Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster „as“: pronoun as [æz; əz]pronoun | Pronomen, Fürwort pron Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) der, die, das, welcher, e, es was, welche Tatsache, wie der, die, das, welch(er, e, es) as (who) nach such oder same as (who) nach such oder same Örnekler such as need our help diejenigen, welche unsere Hilfe brauchen such as need our help the same man as was here yesterday derselbe Mann, der gestern hier war the same man as was here yesterday was, welche Tatsache, wie as which as which Örnekler his health is not good, as he himself admits seine Gesundheit lässt zu wünschen übrig, was er selbst zugibt his health is not good, as he himself admits he was a foreigner, as they perceived from his accent er war Ausländer, wie sie an seinem Akzent merkten he was a foreigner, as they perceived from his accent „as“: preposition as [æz; əz]preposition | Präposition, Verhältniswort präp Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) als als as as Örnekler a job as a teacher eine Stellung als Lehrer a job as a teacher she was hired as a cook sie wurde als Köchin eingestellt she was hired as a cook to appear as Hamlet als Hamlet auftreten to appear as Hamlet he is as a father to me er ist wie ein Vater zu mir he is as a father to me Örnekleri gizleÖrnekleri göster
„as“: noun as [ɑːs]noun | Substantiv s <as> Fr. Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) Ass Assneuter | Neutrum n as (playing) cards | KartenspielKART as (playing) cards | KartenspielKART
„AS“: abbreviation ASabbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= Anglo-Saxon) Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) angelsächsisch angelsächsisch AS AS „AS“: abbreviation ASabbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= antisubmarine) Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) U-Boot-Abwehr... U-Boot-Abwehr... AS AS „AS“: abbreviation ASabbreviation | Abkürzung abk (= AS level) Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) AS-Prüfung AS-Fach Örnekler AS exam AS-Prüfungfeminine | Femininum f AS exam AS subject AS-Fachneuter | Neutrum n AS subject
„as“: noun as [æs]noun | Substantiv s <asses [-iz]> Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) As Pfund Asneuter | Neutrum n as Antike: Roman coin as Antike: Roman coin Pfundneuter | Neutrum n (= 327,45 g) as Antike: pound in weight as Antike: pound in weight
„As“: Maskulinum AsMaskulinum | masculine m <Asses; Asse> Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) as as as As Antike: römische Münze As Antike: römische Münze as As Antike: Apothekerpfund As Antike: Apothekerpfund
„AS“: Abkürzung ASAbkürzung | abbreviation abk (= Anschlussstelle) Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) jctn jct(n) AS AS „AS“: Abkürzung ASAbkürzung | abbreviation abk (= Alterssicherung) Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) retirement provision retirement provision AS AS
„inasmuch as“: conjunction inasmuch as [inəzˈmʌʧ]conjunction | Konjunktion konj Tüm çevirilere genel bakış (Daha fazla ayrıntı için çeviriye tıklayın/dokunun) in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass, da ja, da insofern als in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass inasmuch as inasmuch as da ja, da inasmuch as inasmuch as insofern als inasmuch as in so far as obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs inasmuch as in so far as obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs